June 26, 2024

Is your Search Ad keeping up with your customers and your business?

Every marketer would know the marketing funnel like, if not better than, the back of their hand. However, getting customers to progress through the entire journey is the real, big, keep-you-awake question.

The emergence of search ads ushered in an era where consumers take the initiative with a search and browse action, thus pulling in relevant information provided by advertisers. This dynamic allows brands to reach target audiences with a high propensity to buy (or at least learn more and act), and making the craft of keyword selection, ad copy writing, feature utilization, and conversion optimization essential to the brand marketing arsenal.

Dynamic Search Ads – a smart yet easy approach to driving traffic

For websites with tens of products, let alone those with millions, selecting keywords manually is a challenge, especially if one is expected to factor in timeliness of products and their respective ads.  Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) is a feature that can automatically compare and analyze the actual search term used with the advertisers’ web content to dynamically generate ad copies. This automatic and dynamic approach allows advertisers to keep pace with consumer’s search behaviors, and is best suited to advertisers either with a wide array of products or constantly updated web content.

Dynamic Search Ads can be augmented by a combination of bidding strategies to best achieve campaign KPIs, and they offer the following benefits:

  1. Minimizes time needed for ad creation: DSA automatically compares search terms and web content to build new ads, saving the time and effort for advertisers.
  2. Automatic update: As web content updates, DSA follows to ensure your campaign stays up-to-date with your business. Update your website as much as your business requires, knowing that DSA will take care of the rest.
  3. Increased traffic: Since DSA moves in lockstep with what your audience searches for, it enhances traffic compared to the traditional manual keyword-selection approach, thereby minimizing audience loss.
  4. Enhanced relevancy: DSA selects and features the most appropriate webpage according to the search intent to ensure relevancy
  5. Dynamic ad copy: DSA dynamically optimizes ad headlines and copies based on the latest search terms, web content, and ad performance to enhance attractiveness and optimize clicks.

As an example, an apparel brand leveraged DSA to develop keyword ads for their collection of apparel and accessories showcased on their website, and enjoyed a 2x increase in impressions and the subsequent traffic and transactional opportunities it brought.

Search Product Ads – making your customers want your offer

In today’s visual-driven world, quality imagery is king. In the real world, when a consumer browses around in a store, the packaging hits first, then its price, then maybe, features. Search Product Ads recreates this experience online.

When consumers search on Yahoo for a certain product, the Search Product Ads will trigger and display the products’ imagery, name, and price, in a manner that mimics what you would see in-store on a shelf. Research shows that this format can quickly grab attention, increase intention and shorten journey to buy, resulting in a remarkable improvement in ROAS and making it a great performance marketing tool to stimulate purchases.

Intelligent features create a better experience for consumers, making it an important part of marketing.

Search Product Ads automatically detects keywords (advertisers do not have to build keyword lists), link up relevant web content, and detect changes to product or service information using machine learning to optimize ad copies. Search Product Ad can simultaneously display multiple ad elements (such as price and imagery) based on the most optimal combination, and automatically optimize bidding strategy to achieve advertisers’ marketing objectives.

Take an example of an e-commerce player that values ROAS above all else, their use of Search Product Ads allows them to showcase hundreds of thousands of products on the search engine result page with the latest price and inventory levels. The ad system also highlighted specific hot-selling items to boost conversion and doubled the ROAS.

These value-added features are available on Yahoo Search Ads.  Should you want to learn more about how they can help your business, visit our website or get in touch with your Yahoo representative or one of our authorized resellers for details.

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